Ronnie hillman in memory of december 21 2022 thank you for the memories signature T-shirt
Official Ronnie hillman in memory of december 21 2022 thank you for the memories signature T-shirt
or someone we recall which touches a deep sense of the Official Ronnie hillman in memory of december 21 2022 thank you for the memories signature T-shirt Apart from…,I will love this bond between the physical and the transcendent. Christmas has everything to do with this connection to the material world, or more precisely, to the divine breaking out of our material world, and in this action, throws back meaning upon the whole of the human endeavor. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER Video The incarnation of God’s Son, we are taught, by the scriptures and reinforced in the art and music of this season, tells us of a world that was broken but has been restored. A world, “in sin and error pinning,” as the old hymn says, that reveals to the soul its worth. This is not just some abstraction; it is particular and concrete, because sin effects not only our souls, but our whole world and all of its substantial parts. And this is what redemption does as well, so that the physicality of the baby who comes from Mary might become the vehicle of salvation. It is also seen in the water of baptism, or the bread and wine of Communion, or the act of physical love in marriage; God works his love through all of these and more. The entirety of our world may become sanctified, indeed sacramentalized. So too our family feasts, our gift giving and even our work, if these are offered to God for his glory. This God, this Emmanuel, is “with us” in the whole of it: from the baby’s cry in the manger to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM REV. ROBERT SIRICO Rev. Robert Sirico, author of The Economics of the Parables and of Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy, is co-founder and president emeritus of the Acton Institute.
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