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6 pounds among those receiving a placebo. Dr. C. Nicole Swiner, a family medicine doctor in Durham, North Carolina, said she started taking Wegovy in 2021 after seeing how much it helped her patients. She has lost 30 pounds since then, she said. “Because I’m not starving, I can actually stop and make a smarter decision [rather] than, ‘Oh my God, I’m ravenous. Let me grab whatever’s in the Official Toronto Maple Leafs Wearing Jt1k Shirt moreover I love this office kitchen,’ which is usually junk,” Swiner said. C. Nicole Swiner.Chris Charles On Wegovy, she added, she eats less overall and has swapped sugary treats like cookies or muffins for healthier alternatives like yogurt or fruit. For Yazeed, weight loss was not the reason she went on Ozempic, nor was it a goal. But on the drug, she said, she had to force herself to eat and often couldn’t stomach anything beyond a protein shake in the morning. On a good day, she might also tolerate some chicken broth. She lost 10 pounds in two months, going from a size 12 to an 8 or 10. Patients who stop taking the drugs often regain weight Like many drugs, the effects of semaglutide stop
when patients go off of it, so some people regain weight. Experts said they consider Ozempic and Wegovy to be lifelong medications. “Data from our clinical trials for Wegovy showed that, not unexpectedly, patients experience weight regain once they stop taking the Official Toronto Maple Leafs Wearing Jt1k Shirt moreover I love this medication,” Novo Nordisk told NBC News in a statement. “This supports the belief that obesity is a chronic disease that requires long-term management, much like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, for which most patients remain on therapy long term,” the company added. Ebony Wiggins, who has type 2 diabetes, said she has gained back about 15 pounds of the 25 she lost last year while taking Ozempic. Artemis Bayandor, who lives in Naperville, Illinois, said she weighs more now than when she took Wegovy: Within one month of stopping the medication, she gained back the 15 pounds she had lost on the drug, she said, plus an extra 10 over the next six months. “For the first week I was OK, and for the second week I went right back to all of the cravings, but worse,” Bayandor said. Side effects put some people off the medications Courtney Hamilton didn’t made it more than a month on Ozempic, which her doctor
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