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after that trip, Stephenson provided Anderegg with the Official Boston University Terriers 2023 Men’s Hockey Conference Champs Shirt Furthermore, I will do this draft language for a pro-China resolution the state senator introduced in 2020 expressing solidarity with China during the pandemic, Anderegg told the AP. The resolution passed with near unanimous approval. A Chinese diplomat’s efforts to win passage of a similar resolution in Wisconsin failed, with the state’s senate president publicly blasting it as a piece of propaganda. Anderegg told the AP that he was interviewed by FBI agents seeking information about the Utah resolution’s origins. “It seemed rather innocuous to me,” Anderegg said of his resolution. “But maybe it wasn’t.” Stephenson said the FBI has not contacted him and no Chinese government official played a role in the resolution. Ties to alleged front groups Stephenson has links to Chinese groups allegedly active in covert foreign influence operations, documents show. He is a partner in the Shanghai-based consulting firm Economic Bridge International. The company’s chief executive, William Wang, is a Chinese citizen and council member of the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development, according to an online biography. The group is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front. Stephenson, also once worked for the China Academy of Painting, which has been used by China’s Ministry of State Security as a front for meeting and covertly influencing elites and officials abroad, according to Alex Joske, the author of the recently published book “Spies and Lies: How China’s Greatest Covert Operations Fooled the World.” Stephenson said he worked only briefly — without pay — for the China Academy of Painting. He added he did not witness any spy agency involvement. Work aligned with Chinese government’s desires Stephenson said he’s never taken any action at the direction of the Chinese government and never accepted compensation from it. “I work to promote Utah’s economy, to help American companies succeed in China, and to encourage healthy people-to-people and commercial ties,” Stephenson said. His work sometimes aligned with what

Official Boston University Terriers 2023 Men’s Hockey Conference Champs Shirt

Chinese government officials were seeking and in ways experts say likely helped the Official Boston University Terriers 2023 Men’s Hockey Conference Champs Shirt Furthermore, I will do this Chinese Communist Party’s messaging. Stephenson urged Utah’s elected officials to make videos to air on Shanghai television to boost the spirits of that city’s residents early in 2020 as they battled COVID-19, according to emails obtained by AP. “You cannot buy this type of positive publicity for Utah in China,” Stephenson said in an email pitching the videos. The request originated with the Shanghai government, according to Stephenson’s email, and came as officials in China were scrambling to tamp down public fury at communist authorities for reprimanding a young doctor, who later died, over his repeated warnings about the disease’s dangers. Many lawmakers recorded videos reading sample scripts Stephenson provided, and a compilation of those videos was uploaded to a Chinese social media website. The compilation ends with dozens of lawmakers in unison shouting “jiayou!”- a Chinese expression of encouragement — on the Utah House and Senate floors.

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