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continued invasions into his personal life made relationships “impossible.” He also alleges that those who handle the Official Hyliion Discord Group Investors Day 2023 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this royal family’s interests, referred to as the Institution, kept him in the dark about any details of the alleged phone tapping. Harry referred to the News of the World phone-tapping case, saying the family representatives did not want to involve the princes. “The Institution made it clear that we did not need to know anything about phone hacking and it was made clear to me that the Royal Family did not sit in the witness box because that could open up a can of worms,” Harry said. Buckingham Palace declined to comment Tuesday. Harry and his wife stepped down from their roles as senior members of the royal family in 2020. Harry won the right to sue the Associated Papers last year, alleging that a newspaper article about his battle with the British government over his security arrangements was defamatory. The High Court in London also ruled in his wife’s favor against Associated Papers in 2021 after Meghan sued over parts of a private letter that were published in The Mail on Sunday and on MailOnline. Judge Mark Warby wrote in his ruling that Meghan “had a reasonable expectation that the contents of the letter would remain private” and that the articles had “interfered with that reasonable expectation.”
WASHINGTON — Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the Official Hyliion Discord Group Investors Day 2023 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this Democratic chairman of the Intelligence Committee, chided the Biden administration Wednesday for the lack of information being shared about classified documents that were found at the homes of current and former presidents. “This is where the Biden administration gets an absolute failing grade,” Warner said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” “Their position is outrageous.” Lawmakers have increasingly criticized administration officials’ ignoring requests to be briefed about the classified documents. Warner and other lawmakers have been asking to see which documents were found, a request that has been stonewalled. “We have a constitutional responsibility to see those documents — the classified ones — make a judgment whether the intelligence community did appropriate protection, and if those documents were to fall into the wrong hands, what kind of mitigation we could take,” Warner said. “And I am done with the lack of willingness for the administration to address this.” He added, “Their position does not pass the smell test.” Before his comments Wednesday, Warner spoke with Lisa Monaco, a deputy attorney general, his office confirmed. It described the conversation as “frank but candid.” The source in his office added that changes from their talk were expected. Hundreds of pages of documents with classified markings were recovered from Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s Florida home and private club in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump
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