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which it didn’t identify, where 20% of the Official San Francisco 49ers Go Dawgs Diamond Heart Rugby Ball T-shirt In addition,I will do this rental aid distributed was found to be duplicate payments. There was just a lot of urgency to get this out without being able to do a laid-out plan. BETSY BALLARD, CATHOLIC CHARITIES IN GALVESTON-HOUSTON. In Texas, Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston realized at some point in the distribution process that it was giving federal money to renters who were also receiving support from a separate state program, making them ineligible for the former. Once the group got access to the state’s data, it began recouping duplicates. “There was just a lot of urgency to get this out without being able to do a laid-out plan,” said Betsy Ballard, Catholic Charities’ communications director for the area. The organization has already recovered about $3.3 million of the $307 million in rental aid it distributed, but another $4 million or so is outstanding. Ballard said Catholic Charities has used some of the recouped funds to assist others who are still at risk of eviction. Clawed-back aid in other areas has been similarly reallocated; other programs say they will send the money back to the Treasury. In a handful of instances, frantic tenants and landlords apparently got repayment requests waived or reduced after appearing in local news coverage. When one tenant in Raleigh, North Carolina, reached out to a local television station about the HOPE program’s recoupment notice for almost $10,000, officials
reviewed the Official San Francisco 49ers Go Dawgs Diamond Heart Rugby Ball T-shirt In addition,I will do this case days later and canceled their request — saying they determined the tenant hadn’t been overpaid after all, according to NBC affiliate WRAL. One reason for the administrative confusion, according to the GAO, was that the Treasury substantially revised its guidelines for the rental aid after President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, then did so five more times through August that year. The GAO said many of the aid administrators it interviewed were confused by the changing rules. Housing authorities in Delaware and North Carolina both told NBC News they were still awaiting guidance from the Treasury about who will ultimately have to cover the overpayments. Since the GAO published its review in December, the agency said, Treasury officials have made some efforts to hold office hours to answer grantees’ questions. The GAO is still evaluating whether this has resolved the widespread data collection issues it identified for the earliest batch of pandemic housing relief. In Delaware, Lopez said her landlord is working with her to make sure neither of them has to repay the state housing authority. The landlord made one appeal, she said, but it was denied. Delaware housing officials said landlords have filed more than 171 appeals so far. Asked what repercussions people who’ve received repayment notices can expect if they don’t pay, the agency declined to comment.
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